Lockdown or No Lockdown Fitness is always in Fashion

Regular physical activity and exercise is the key to a healthy, happy and prosperous life! Remember, here consistency is the key. It is not just for physical well being but also imperative for a healthy mind and emotional wellbeing. In order to live a healthy and active life you need to be consistent in all your activities. One must workout at least 4-5 times a week. Home workout does not necessarily require equipment. Even without equipment you can achieve fitness goals with the help of technology and through guidance from your personal trainer. 

Remember, “There is no substitute and shortcut to exercise.” 

A quick 20-30 minutes workout works for the overall body. Sometimes, you don’t have time or at times you run out of patience and do not have the inclination and sometimes you just want to finish the daily chores quickly. This is when a quick workout comes into place. Now, when there is again a chance of complete lockdown, you just got an excuse to skip exercise because naturally all gyms and fitness studios are closed temporarily. But read again, we said, ‘temporarily’. Fitness will always, always be in fashion irrespective of lockdown or no lockdown. What you need is an inclination to workout regularly. 

Being Stuck at home is no more an excuse!

Coronavirus is vastly spreading and the number of cases have risen again in our country. For those relying on the gym to get fit, it must be very frustrating. However, the good part is we are blessed with advanced technology that requires no equipment to achieve your fitness goals. There are many fitness apps available including YouTube videos loaded with workouts. You may also avail our online Zoom sessions combined with a nutrition diet chart to keep you fit. This session covers everything from functional training to HIIT program, fat burning cardio, to strengthening and conditioning. 

The online sessions include new workouts all the time to make the session interesting with proper safety guidance. This can be done both by women and men. The workout sessions are taken by certified instructors to prevent injury.   

In this fast moving situation, you lack time to focus on your health. We do understand that, therefore, we have introduced online zoom classes to keep you fit and going. You’re just a step away from achieving your goal. You would see the results yourself! Guaranteed! 

Read more : The Ultimate 90/90 Hip Mobility Progression Guide

Benefits of working out at home:

Home workouts are great in keeping you sane, productive and active. There are several exercises that can be performed at the comfort of your home:

  • You can start with body weight exercises such as planks, squats, lunges, jumping jacks, mountain climbers etc. and gradually move to high intense workout. 
  • You can add a mashup of exercises such as cardio, ab workout, zumba, yoga to avoid boredom and monotonous workout. 

Lockdown is not an excuse to ditch workout. Instead. It’s the right time to make some time for yourself. You can definitely spare 30 minutes a day during this “Janata Curfew” which in general, you wouldn’t have got earlier. 

Let us ask you something! In this technology driven world, “Are you on Instagram?” If yes, then you would have definitely seen reels and videos by celebrities working out at the comfort of their home. They did not see lockdown to slack off their workout instead they are motivating their followers to get up and keep moving. You don’t have to watch them working out but also follow them. 

Read more : Fitness Coaching Vs Personal Training – Which is Right for You?

Some small differences in your daily life can keep you fit all year round other than exercising. Read along!

  • When heading out to get groceries or any medical supplies, try to use the stairs instead of the lift to stay physically fit and active. 
  • While working from home, take some time break in between to do push-ups at home. Keep a target to do 20 rep of 2 sets and resume your work.
  • You can try some hobbies of your choice at home. For instance, if you like to play cricket then take your bat and ball out and play with your kids or siblings at home.

Physical activity boosts immunity thus likely to protect you from coronavirus situations. Just as Chairman of Marico Mr. Harsh Mariwala, twitted, “Yes the gyms are closed. But that’s not an excuse for not exercising. Remember, being physically fit is necessary to build your immunity. So, pull up that yoga mat and get started.”

Read more : Exercises to Avoid for Shoulder Impingement

If you are a beginner and have no idea about exercising then you may join zoom online classes to prevent injury and see sure shot results. Lockdown or no lockdown, start working out today itself and get ready for the world when things get back to the “old normal”. 

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