9 Fantastic Health Benefits of Mangoes!

“Keep Calm because Mangoes have arrived.”

Mangoes are the most commonly loved fruit by many individuals. People eagerly wait for summers to come just because they want to eat their favourite fruit- MANGOES! Isn’t it? 

In certain parts of the world, the mango is known as the “King of Fruits.” Mango is a sweet fruit with large seed in the middle. Mangoes have been grown in India for over 4000 years. Mangoes come in several types, each with its own flavor, size, shape, and color.

Mango being a delicious, mouth-watering fruit is packed with nutritional values. Mangoes have been linked to enhanced immunity, vision, and digestive health. Additionally, it is also associated with low risk of cancer. 

Before you enjoy your scrumptious Mango fruit, get to know its health benefits to eat it guilty-free.  

Mangoes are a low-calorie, high-nutrient fruit.

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According to Healthline, one cup of mango provides:

  • 99 Calories
  • 1.4 grams of proteins
  • 24.7 carbs
  • 0.6 grams fat
  • 2.6 grams of fiber
  • 67% Vitamin C

Phosphorus, pantothenic acid, calcium, selenium, folate, other vitamins and iron are all present in limited quantities. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that boosts immunity, helps iron absorption, and promotes body growth and repair.

Following are some health benefits of Mangoes:

  1. High in Antioxidants:

Polyphenols, which are antioxidants, are found in mango. Mango has dozens of types of plant compounds such as quercetin, catechins, benzoic acid and many others. Antioxidants are essential for your body’s protection against free radical damage. Free radicals are extremely reactive molecules that can bind to and destroy your cells. Free radicals have been linked to the aging process and chronic diseases.

Mango is also naturally packed with mangiferin – a powerful antioxidant. 

  1. Mangoes may boost immunity:

Mango contains a lot of nutrients that support the immune system. One cup of mango contains 10% of your daily Vitamin A requirement. Vitamin A is essential for a healthy immune system because it aids in the battle against infections. Meanwhile, a lack of vitamin A has been related to an increased risk of infection. 

Mangoes also provide a daily dose of Vitamin C requirement. This vitamin will help your body create more disease-fighting white blood cells, increase the effectiveness of these cells, and improve the defenses of your skin. Mango is also high in folate, vitamin K, vitamin E, and many B vitamins, all of which help boost immunity.

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  1. Mangoes may support heart health:

Mango is high in nutrients that promote heart health. It contains magnesium and potassium, which help to sustain a steady pulse and relax the blood vessels, lowering blood pressure. Mango contains a unique antioxidant known as mangiferin, which helps protect heart cells from inflammation and stress. It also aids in the reduction of cholesterol.

  1. It may improve digestive health:

Mango has a number of properties that make it beneficial to digestive health. It comprises a group of digestive enzymes known as amylases, for example. Digestion enzymes break down large food molecules so that they can be eaten easily. Mango is rich in water and dietary fiber, so it can help with digestive problems like constipation and diarrhea. As a result, consuming one mango per day can be beneficial to digestive health.

  1. It may support eye health:

Mango is rich in nutrients that are good for your eyes. The antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin are two important nutrients. These build up in the retina of the eye, particularly in the macula, which transforms light into brain signals so your brain can perceive what you’re seeing. Mangoes also protect your eyes from harmful blue light. It contains Vitamin A, which is good for your eyes.

  1. It may improve skin and hair health:

Mango is high in vitamin C, which is good for your hair and skin.

Collagen, a protein that gives your skin and hair structure, requires this vitamin to be produced. Collagen is a protein that gives the skin its elasticity and helps to avoid wrinkles and sagging.

It also gives a glow to your skin. It contains Vitamin A, which has been linked to hair growth and sebum development, keeping your hair healthy.

  1. It may lower the risk of developing certain cancers:

Polyphenols have anti-cancer properties found in Mangoes. Hence, they protect from oxidative stress which is directly linked with cancer. Studies have proven that mangoes may lower the risk of leukemia, breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer and colon cancer in animals. Further studies are carried in people to confirm if it works the same way for humans as well. 

  1. Versatile, delicious and easily added to your diet:

Nobody would deny the fact that- Mangoes are super delicious. You can eat mangoes in different ways such as a mango itself, in the form of smoothie, add it to your salsa recipe, add it to your salad and you may add it to your quinoa salad. 

Mangoes contain more sugar compared to other fruits hence it is essential to eat mango in moderation. Limit your mango intake to 2 cups a day. If you’re on a weight loss journey then try to eat mango once a week. 

  1. It helps to regulate diabetes:

Along with mangoes, even mango leaves provide various health benefits. Mango leaves are greatly associated in regulating diabetes. Hence, people with diabetes should boil 5-6 leaves of mango leaves in a vessel. Soak the leaves overnight and drink the filtered water empty stomach in the morning. Eating mango in moderation can improve blood sugar levels. 

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Mangoes are no doubt delicious and a versatile fruit containing more sugar than other fruits. It is packed with nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals providing many health benefits such as improved immunity, eyesight, digestive system and has anti-cancer properties. It can be easily added to your meals.

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